حكاية السينكونا و الكينين ( Cinchona & quinine )

-         بدأت الحكاية في امريكا الجنوبية وتحديدا في دولة بيرو , واللي وقتها كانت مستعمرة إسبانية
-         في الفترة مابين (1629-1639م) كان ممثل التاج الإسباني في بيرو (ماعلينا من اسمه) هو واحد من نبلاء مدينة اسمها  "سينكون" في أسبانيا (count of cinchon) .. المهم السيدة حرمه (countess of cinchon ) لحسن الحظ تعبت وجالها الداء البطال اللي هو "الملاريا" وقتها، وبدات حالتها تزيد سوء وطبيبها "خوان دل فيجا" ( Juan del Viga ) فشلت محاولاته إنه يعالج النزيف وقتها قرر يجرب العلاج المحلي " قشر الكينا" (quina bark) وكانت المفاجأة إنها تعافت ..
-         ومن هنا جه اسم الـسينكونا (cinchona) واللي أطلقه عالم البوتاني الشهير لينيوس ( Linnaeus ) تكريما للكونتيسة ..
-         ورجعت بعدين لإسبانيا ومعاها كميات من قشر الكينا ..  وانتشرت أخبار القشر العجيب ( wonder bark ) في أوروبا , وبدأت عمليات شحن السفن بالسينكونا واللي كانت بتتباع بأسعار خيالية ..
-         في باريس وبعد مرور مايقرب من 200 سنة ،وفي سنة (1817م)  قرر اتنين صيادلة "بيلتييه " ( Pierre Joseph Pelletier ) و "كافينتو" (Joseph Bienaimé caventou ) إنهم يحلّوا لغز السينكونا.. وبالفعل  سنة (1820م) أعلنوا عن طريقة فصل الكينين "Quinine" و السينكونين "Cinchonine" من قشر الكينا ..
* وبكدا يكون علاج الملاريا تم اكتشافه قبل معرفة المسبب للمرض بكتير (طفيل الملاريا تم التعرف عليه للمرة الأولي سنة 1880م)

صورة لطابع بريد في فرنسا (1970م) في الذكرة الـ 150 علي اكتشاف الكينين

"بيلتييه " ( Pierre Joseph Pelletier ) و "كافينتو" (Joseph Bienaimé caventou )

Origin of plant names II

Linseed, Flax-seed

Latin name: Linum usitatissimum 

Linum (=thread)
The Latin name Linum comes from the Celtic, il/in, meaning a thread; the English, linen, refers to the fabric.

usitatissimum (= most useful) 
The species name usitatissimum comes from the Latin adjective, usitatus, most useful.


Nux vomica

Latin name: Strychnos nux-vomica

from strychnon, strychnos ‘acrid, bitter’

nux-vomica (nux=nut, vomica= cause vomiting)
The Latin binomial means "the nut that causes vomiting.

Origin of plant names part I

Atropa belladonna

Atropa (atropos= rigid, Inflexible, atropos is one of the three goddesses of fates in the Greek mythology)

Belladonna (bella=beautiful , donna= lady)
The name Atropa Belladonna is said to be derived from the fact that Italian women at one time made drops from the plant which caused their pupils to dilate and thus made them more seductive and alluring. The name “belladonna” itself does in fact come from the Italian language, meaning “beautiful lady” originating from its usage as a cosmetic for the face and its usage for the eye.

In Greek mythology, the three Fates (Moirai) were responsible for spinning, measuring the length of human life, and ending it. Clotho spins the thread of life, Lachesis measures and allots the length of one's life, and Atropos severs it. The genus name of belladonna is a derivation of Atropos, meaning "inexorable" or "inflexible" the Fate that severs the thread of life.



Latin name: Digitalis purpurea, Digitalis lanata
Digitalis (digitus= finger)
From the Latin digitus ‘a finger’, referring to the shape of the flowers.

Purpurea (purpura=purple)
Referring to the color of its flowers, which is frequently purple.

Lanata (lanatus= woolly)
It gets its name due to the texture of its leaves. The leaves are mid-green, woolly, veined, and covered with white hairs on the underside.



Latin name: Cassia acutifolia, Cassia angustifolia

Cassia a name, kasia, used by Dioscorides from a Hebrew plant name, quetsi’oth,

Acutifolia (acutus= acute, folia= leaves)
The leaflets of Alexandrian senna are ovate-lanceolate with acute (acuti-) and mucronate apex.

Angustifolia (augustus= narrow, folia= leaves)
The leaflets of Indian senna are narrow (angusti-), lanceolate.
a= C. acutifolia, b= C. angustifolia

Datura stramonium

from an Indian vernacular name, dhatura, Sanskrit, dhustura, (Arabic, tatorali) (=thorn apple, from the nature of its fruits which is prickly).

from the Greek name, strychnon manikon, used by Theophrastus for the thorn apple.


Hyoscyamus niger, Hyoscyamus muticus

Hyoscyamus (hyo, hyos=pig, kyamos=bean)
It was Dioscorides who gave the plant its name of Hyoscyamus, because although poison to man and many animals but pigs could apparently eat it without any harm.

Niger= black.

Muticus= cut off, without a point, not pointed, blunt.


Thea sinensis, syn. Camellia sinensis

the Latinized Chinese name, T’e (Theaceae)

sinensis (chinensis )
from China, Chinese

for Georg Joseph Kamel (Cameli) (1661–1706), Moravian Jesuit botanist, pharmacist, plant illustrator and traveller in Luzon.

Different illumination systems used in microscopes

1- Plain mirror:
   Used when a fixed light source is used.

2- Concave mirror:
   When skylight is used, this mirror helps to converge the beam onto the condenser.

3- Sub-stage lamp interchangeable with mirror:
   Where there is no electricity or battery, mirror can be used.

4- Built-in sub-stage lamp (Tungsten filament or halogen lamp) with intensity adjustment:

Source:  Practical Pharmacognosy - Dr. K. R. Khandelwal 

Handling of microscope and its structure

A microscope may be defined as an optical instrument , comprising of a lens or a combination of lenses which enables to view magnified images of a minute objects.

Compound microscope

The compound microscope essentially consists of 3 major parts:

I- Support system

It consists of base, stage & body tube.

II- Illumination system

It throws light on the object for proper viewing. 
It consists of light source or mirror, iris diaphragm & condenser. The light source may be a plain or concave mirror or electrically illuminated by a tungsten filament lamp or a halogen lamp. Mirror and electric source are generally interchangeable.

III- Magnification system

This includes a set of lenses aligned in such a manner so that a magnified real image can be viewed. The objective is a set of lenses placed near the object. It partially magnified the object, which can be viewed by the EYEPIECE in a more magnified form.

Source:  Practical Pharmacognosy - Dr. K. R. Khandelwal 


A solution which tends to maintain a constant pH when excess acid or base is added.

For some commonly used acids and bases, the maximum solubility (at room temperature) in an aqueous solution or as a pure liquid.

The relative amount of solute and solvent in a solution.

Compounds containing water chemically combined in a definite ratio. Computations using formula weight must take the water molecules into account.

The ability of two liquids to be completely soluble in one another.

A concentration unit (m); defined as the number of moles of solute divided by the number of kilograms of solvent.

Molar Mass
The mass of a mole of any element or compound.

A concentration unit (M); defined as the number of moles of solute divided by liters of solution.

A concentration unit (N); defined as the number of equivalents of solute per liter of solution. (e.g., 1 M H2SO4 = 2 N H2SO4).

Saturated Solution
A solution that contains the maximum amount of a particular solute that will dissolve at that temperature.

The substance which is dissolved, or has gone into solution (typically a solid).

A uniform homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The individual substances may be present in varying amounts.

The substance which does the dissolving (typically a liquid, such as water or alcohol). Must be greater than 50% of the solution.

Standard Solution
A very precise solution, usually to 3–4 significant figures, used in quantitative analysis or an analytical procedure.

Supersaturated Solution
A solution that contains more solute than equilibrium conditions allow; it is unstable and the solute may precipitate upon slight agitation or addition of a single crystal.

A Guide to Chemistry Glassware

Basic Glassware: Test tubes, Beakers & Boiling tubes

Boiling tubes:
They aren’t that different from test tubes in appearance, but are used when heating is required , they tend to be made of thicker glass, and are slightly larger and wider.


Conical (Erlenmeyer) flask:
Named after the German chemist Emil Erlenmeyer, who created the flask in 1860, it’s designed so that its contents can be swirled easily without spilling out. This also makes them useful for boiling liquids, and additionally their necks can support filter funnels.

Volumetric flasks:
They are used primarily in the preparation of standard solutions. To create a solution of a specific concentration, we need to know the volume of the solution; the narrow neck of the volumetric flask will have a thin graduation to show where a specific volume is reached.

Round-bottomed flasks and Florence flasks:
They look very similar, but there is a slight difference between the two. Both have round bottoms, designed to spread out heat evenly when they are heated. They are frequently used by chemists for reactions and in rotary evaporators. Whereas round-bottomed flasks will usually have a ground glass joint on their neck, to allow connection to other apparatus, Florence flasks, supposedly named after Florence in Italy, tend to merely have a lip. They can also come with either a flat bottom so they are free-standing, or a rounded bottom, and have longer necks.

Kjeldahl flask:
It has an even longer neck, and was developed for use in the Kjeldahl method, which is used to determine the nitrogen content in a substance.

Pear-shaped flasks:
They are usually rather small flasks, used for small-scale distillations. Their shape allows recovery of more material than the round-bottomed flasks.

Retort flasks:
They are used in distillations, though their use was primarily before the advent of condensers. Today, they are very rarely used.

Schlenk flask and Straus flask:
They are another two that look fairly similar. Schlenk flasks are commonly used in air-sensitive chemistry, as the side arm allows an inert gas such as nitrogen to be pumped into the vessel. The Straus flask, on the other hand, is used to store dried solvents. The main neck is actually filled in halfway up, and connected to a plugged smaller neck; this main neck can be connected to other apparatus, and allows the solvent to be extracted when the plug is slightly withdrawn or removed entirely.

Claisen flask:
It was designed by chemist Ludwig Claisen, is designed for vacuum distillation; distillation under vacuum produces problematic amounts of bubbles when solutions are boiled. Claisen’s flask includes a capillary tube that inserts small bubbles into the liquid, easing the ferocity of boiling, whilst the branched portion of the flask hosts a thermometer. Today, Claisen’s flask is less commonly used.

Funnels, Analysis & Separation

Filter funnel:
Into which filter paper can be placed, and a mixture can then be poured through.

Thistle funnel:
(smaller) is not used for filtering at all, but to add liquids into apparatus.

Buchner flask:
can be used in conjunction with a Buchner funnel in vacuum filtration, and is a much quicker process than the gravity filtration used with normal filter funnels. A vacuum tube can be affixed to the flask’s sidearm, which rapidly sucks through the solvent, leaving any solid in the Buchner funnel.

Separating funnels:
used for separating solutions or liquids of different densities. Liquids of a lower density will float to the top, then the mixtures can be tapped off separately.

Dropping funnel:
used to add liquids or solutions to a reaction.

Column chromatography:
another method of separating mixtures of compounds , which can be carried out using a chromatography column. The mixture is passed through a column of silicon dioxide or aluminium oxide, with different components of the mixture taking differing amounts of time to pass through the column.

Thiele tube:
Is a piece of apparatus used to determine the melting point of a solid compound. It contains and heats an oil bath, into which a sample can be placed along with a thermometer. Heating then allows melting point to be determined. The design of the flask allows the oil to circulate, ensuring even heating.


Liebig condenser:
Has an inner tube through which vapour flows, surrounded by a ‘jacket’ through which cool water passes and condenses the vapour.

Graham condenser:
Is similar to Liebig condenser, but has a coiled path for the vapour to flow through and condense.

Friedrichs condenser:
Inverts the arrangement, having a spiral coil through which the coolant flows, with the vapour surrounding it. Other varieties of condenser are also available, though are not shown here.

Fractionating column:
This helps separate a mixture during distillation, as vapours collect and distill on the small glass ‘trays’ ascending the column. Only the most volatile gases will ascend all the way to the top of the column to be distilled off.

Measuring Apparatus

A number of pieces of chemistry glassware are used to accurately measure volumes; the most obvious being the graduated cylinder, or measuring cylinder, which can come in a variety of sizes.

Volumetric pipette:
 used for measuring volumes of solutions more precisely. These come in a variety of sizes, each measuring a fixed volume of solution.

Graduated pipettes:
 can also be used, which allow various small volumes to be measured out.

used for measurement of volumes during titrations (the addition of one solution to another to determine an unknown concentration). These are long, narrow tubes, with incremental volume markings, which allow precise volumes of solutions to be dropped into another solution.

Gas syringe:
 for measuring the volume of gas produced in a reaction, can be used. This piece of apparatus can be attached to the top of a flask via a piece of tubing, and the gas produced pushes the plunger out of the syringe, allowing the gas volume to be measured.

Source; compound chem